We'll need take a little break
And hear about lite beer
The referee will take a look
At what has happened here.
When we return from
A word from our sponsors,
Instant replay will slowly replay
Detailed answers.
The red flag has been dropped.
The balance of the game teeters.
It's no longer fourth and inches.
It's pixels and millimeters.
The red flag has been dropped.
The balance of the game teeters.
It's no longer fourth and inches.
It's pixels and millimeters.
If the play doesn't get over-ruled
The home crowd will stand and roar.
But until that final word comes back,
Let's play it again once more.
Remember those leather helmets?
We're so much more sophisticated.
We'd hoped the future would clear things up.
Instead, it's pixilatated.
We hold our collective breath
And hold each others' hands
Hands on his hips, the referee says --
The ruling on the field stands.
Just found this one hiding in my SoundClick account. One of my first uke songs, and I'm pretty sure I wrote this during a Super Bowl three or four years ago.
remember hearing this the day after the super bowl. nice timing of post as we're on the cusp of football and i just got a new 51 inch after my 96 magnavox went out. couldn't see green or purple. never had a flat screen before, carried the thing by myself, light it was. girls peered out of the window from chilies to make sure it wouldn't be taken after we picked up at a best buy. still wondering if i shoulda got the one with higher pixels, the sound is fine.....anyway, cowboys play in the super bowl at the end of the season...can't wait to see it on my tube....can't call it a tube, i guess. on my flat screen?