Sunday, May 16, 2010

Toil and Spin

I've been thinking of the ways
That I have blown the bubbles
of my days

I've been blinking in the gaze
Of the bright & tempting baubles
in my maze

toil & spin
begin again
reap & sow
above & below

I've been toiling in dark mines
My canary soul is caged
And confined

I've been roiling in past minds
Over larks & lovers laughing
All the time

I've been spinning round my heart
A swirling centrifuge pulling
Love apart

I'm beginning a new start
One where I can travel
Off the chart

consider this
inside a wish
there is a bearer
of prayer


Saturday, May 8, 2010


This world contains no precious stone.
No emerald found will match her eyes;
The green it seeks springs from her eyes.
No precious stone comes from this world.

The world contains no precious ore.
The silver minded amid the clay
Shall not be reckoned more than clay.
No precious ore comes from this world.

This world contains no precious worth.
Count golden coins like grains of sand;
When tallied they will equal sand.
No precious worth comes from this world.

Sophia is the boundless light
Of wisdom, joy, beauty and love
All wisdom, joy, beauty and love
Are bright inside Sophia


Based on Wisdom 7:7-14

Words 1998 and 05.08.10
Music 05.08.10

Leave This Room (remix)

Just a remix of an April 2010 Demo.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Way Past Coffee

Another date at the cafe
She says it's plain to see
Next time dinner or nothing
We're way past coffee

Another night at the cafe
He's down on his knee
She cries & says yes
We're way past coffee

Another day at the cafe
It's an anniversary
The kids are grown and gone
We're way past coffee


The clapping sound you hear is me slapping my torso with both hands. I've been trying to figure out how to get the sound of a couple of people clapping without taking up too many tracks. There is actually one other track, with the harmony vox in the second break, that actually has real clapping.