Thursday, December 31, 2009


If I can't see the stars,
Then how can they see me?
Night was not like day
The stars could all be seen

The stars are gone
The stars are gone

If I can't watch the stars,
Then how can they watch me?
The night is draped in gauze
Lost stars still haunt me

If I can't wish on stars
Then where will wishes go?
Will they fall down wells
And make a splash below?

Turn out the lights
Turn out the lights
Turn out the lights
Turn out the lights

capo 2
verse: A D/A A F#m/A
chorus: A D/A A F#m
coda: A F#m/A

*Track #1 in Dec 09 Jukebox

Tom Waits

Love is a drunken thing
As complicated as flight
You know when it's working
And you know when it ain't right
What is love's opposite
You'll have to ask my ex-wife

Oh Tom, Tom, Tom
All the women are gone
Oh Tom, Tom, Tom
I can't get no dates
With chicks who dig Tom Waits

Speaking of my ex
What do you think went wrong?
Well love is hungover thing
In pasties and a ragged thong
I think it was just one thing
She didn't like one Tom Waits song



In the middle of this empty land
There's something I'm trying to understand
It's like I'm waiting for something or someone
To point me in the right direction
How long can I stay in this town
Who'd want to stick around anyway
At least that's what I've heard them say.

I dreamed a face in a golden frame.
When I think of her, I don’t feel the same.
Gotta leave this place where I was born;
It’s a pair of boots that are too worn.
All I gotta do is leave this town.
Nobody wants me around anyway
At least that’s what I’ve heard them say.

I couldn’t take a plane, so I took the bus;
See a whole lot more with a lot less fuss;
Sat by a woman with nonstop talking.
Before the bus left, I started walking.
All I gotta do is leave this town
Nobody here wants me around anyway.
At least that’s what I’ve heard them say.

Standing out by the side of the road,
So excited I thought I’d explode,
Thinking ‘bout the face and my destiny
But my situation won't let me be free.
Prairie roads were dead for miles around.
No one’s coming through this town anyway.
Why anyone should, I can’t say.

When the stars came out, I went back to town
Feeling dejected, just like a clown.
And then I saw her face at the bus stop.
And right there, my heart hopped.
She said, “I’m just passing through this town.
Don’t know if I’ll hang around anyway.
It just depends on what you say.”

There’s the birds and the bees and a wedding in June,
Nowhere to go on our honeymoon.
Spent every day and night in bed.
Just let ‘em talk, go right ahead.
Never gonna leave this town.
Just needed to settle down anyway.
At least that’s what I’ve heard them say.

(E) Somewhere out in this (B) mighty land
There’s a (E) lonely girl stretching (B) out her hand
(E) Waiting for some-(B)-thing or for some-(F#m) one
To (A) offer a direc-(B)-tion (E) home.
(C#m) All I (B) gotta (A) do is (B) leave this (F#m) town
No-(A)-body here (B) wants me a-(E)-round any-(A)-way.
At (F#m) least that’s what I’ve (B) heard them (E) say.

rev 12.19.09

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

The Answer May Not Seem Right

Talk about your angry angel
Falling in fading light
Though each prayer one day gets answered
The answer may not seem right.

Sometimes I feel guarded
Sometimes I feel forgotten

Talk about your redeemed demon
Freed from every slight
Though each curse one day gets answered
The answer may not seem right.

Sometimes I know salvation
Sometimes I know I'm forsaken

Talk about your puzzled self
How pieces don't fit overnight
Though each thought one day gets answered
The answer may not seem right.

Sometimes I feel grave
Sometimes I feel forgiven

maybe better in G

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Ring Out, Wild Bells

(Alfred, Lord Tennyson/Chris Baker)

Ring out, wild bells, to the wild sky,
The flying cloud, the frosty light:
The year is dying in the night;
Ring out, wild bells, and let him die.

Ring out, ring out, ring out, ring out
Ring out, wild bells!

Ring out the old, ring in the new,
Ring, happy bells, across the snow:
The year is going, let him go;
Ring out the false, ring in the true.

Ring out, ring out, ring out, ring out
Ring out, wild bells!

Ring out the want, the care, the sin,
The faithless coldness of the times;
Ring out, ring out my mournful rhymes,
But ring the fuller minstrel in.

Ring out, ring out, ring out, ring out
Ring out, wild bells.

xSTE-178x(need to do another take with good ending)
xSTE-179 Guitar tuned 1/2 step downx
STE-181 Standard tuning

G D/F# Em D/F#

G D/F# Em D/F#

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Tell Them

Tell them
how it
has to be

Tell them
to run
to the sea

Tell them
to look
for the shell

Tell them
to listen
for the bell

Tell them
how it
has to end

Tell them
to run
round the bend

Tell them
to look
out for hell

Tell them
to listen
to you well

capo 5: C E A

From The Moment We Touch

What was it that made me want you,
What was it that made me care?
Was it the usual suspects
Like your lips, your laugh, or your hair?

Or was it something more
Something I can’t put a finger on ...
What was it? I’d like to know
Why it doesn’t linger on.

What was it that made me need you,
What was it that made me mad?
Was it my inexperience
Or the innocence I once had.

Or was is something else
It’s on the tip of my tongue ...
What was it? I can’t be sure,
But I'm sure that it’s done.

What was it that made me love you,
What was it that made me complete?
Was it just a chain of events
That won’t ever repeat?

Or was it something else
Hidden from all maps?
Where was it? Was I ever there?
Will I ever go back?

What was it that made me stay
What was that made me try
Like a finger pointing to the moon
When there's nothing in the sky

Why do I ask these questions,
Why do I replay my past?
Looking for answers
But the questions keep getting asked

We’re all entangled
From the moment we touch
We’re all entangled
From the moment we touch
No matter how far away
From the moment we touch
And time doesn't mean anything
From the moment we touch
We’re all entangled
From the moment we touch

12.19.09 STE-148 (before last verse & coda)
intro D/F# G A D
D Bm G A
D/F# G Em A

N.B., coda is not recorded

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Cal Oroville

Cal Oroville sat on a bridge
And looked at the rocks below
At 92, he’d had enough
And knew it was time to go.

Some men are born to kill
Some men are born to die
Cal had done his very best
To shut his landlord’s eyes.

He tried to gut that bastard Lou
With a serrated knife,
But Cal was weakened from cancer
That squeezed his lungs of life.

Cal got the knife into Lou’s gut
And pushed as hard as he could.
Lou’s fat gut absorbed the cut
And blood gushed where he stood.

Like every good American,
Cal got his day in court.
And Lou came to testify
A bandage on his gut.

The jury found him guilty
And sent him to Mesa Jail.
Cal got a number for his name
And shoved inside a cell.

The other convicts loved Old Cal,
But not the way you think.
They called him Pops and Cutter Cal
And snuck him booze to drink.

And when they dealt out the cards,
They let Cal cut the deck.
They let him watch his favorite show
Old reruns of Star Trek.

Nobody ever visited him,
He had no living kin.
That didn’t really bother Cal
For he had found new friends.

He figured that he’d end his days
Inside of Mesa Jail.
His days crawled on with cancer,
His breathing became frail.

Judge Marcos said his time was up
After four hundred days,
And Cal could now go on home
But he loved the jailhouse ways.

He asked the Judge to change his mind
Or he’d try suicide
The Judge unlocked the door
And made Cal step outside.

His only friends were all locked up
He had no family
He knew he’d never get a job
He was too elderly

At 92, he’d had enough
And knew it was time to go
Cal Oroville jumped off that bridge
And hit the rocks below.

lyrics circa 2003


Don't say it if you are torn
I love you shouldn't be forsworn

Don't say it if you've been scorned
I love you shouldn't be forsworn

If you lie about love
Your love will be a lie

Don't say you haven't been warned
I love you shouldn't be forsworn


Bm7b5 E7b9 Am
Gm C9 F E7 Am

Bbmaj7 Eb Dm Am

weird end chord x0676x

Friday, December 25, 2009

What Was Is Now Not Now

Whoever I was
I'm not anymore
Old mind, old skin,
Old cells, old eyes, old bone.

The mirror shows
A face that's not my own.
Old mind, old skin,
Old cells, old eyes, old bone.

What was is now not now
What was is now not now

I've changed my ways
My ways aren't set in stone
Old mind, old skin,
Old cells, old eyes, old bone.

All snails shed shells
To seek another home
Old mind, old skin,
Old cells, old eyes, old bone.

What was is now not now
What was is now not now

STE-167 -- need to rerecord with capo 1 & lyric edit
STE-168 w/ capo 1
capo 1
verse: E A
chorus: D A E

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Did You Know That I Knew

Well, yes, you knew me
Saw right through me
One of the few to understand
I can't blame you
And I won't shame you
Maybe I became a better man

Did you know that I knew
Did you know that I knew

Well, yes, I asked you
Knew your past too
Thought that I'd cast the best
We both had enough
Grew bored with our love
Won't would've could've should've the rest

Did you know that I knew
Did you know that I knew


Wednesday, December 23, 2009


If the harmony of life
Were like the harmony of song
We'd never be alone
Someone would always sing along
No matter how soft or loud
Or how many songs you sing
You've got to be true
To the truth in everything.

If the waters of life
Were like the waters of the sea
We'd never be landlocked
We'd always sail free
No matter how wide or deep
Tide rising, tide falling
You've got to be true
To the truth in everything.

If the spirit of life
Were like the spirit of light
We'd never be in shadows
All colors would be bright
No matter how dark it got
We'd know the hope dawn brings
You've got to be true
To the truth in everything.


D / G / D / G
Bm / G / Bm / D A G A D

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Heartache Headache

Hello heartache
I see you're back around
I'd heard rumors
That you'd left town

Hello heartache
Go on and have a seat
Would like a beer?
I know you don't want to eat.

One pain comes
And another goes
As sure as life and death
It won't change
You can be sure
So don't hold your breath

Goodbye headache
Glad to see you go
No use in staying
I couldn't stand you anymore

Goodbye headache
My head no longer pounds
It's such a relief
That you're not around

If I had a choice
Between the two
I know exactly
What I'd do

I'd choose headache
Over heartbreak
It's just a shame
I can't choose my fate

key of E

Monday, December 21, 2009

Slip Away

Slip away, slip away
Slip away, slip away

Let the light fade
Let the light fade

Feel the cool shade
Feel the cool shade

Now I lay me down
Now I lay me down

capo 1 drop D
Bm D Bm A

Sunday, December 20, 2009

The Nondenominationalist's Apology

I go to church on Christmas
And maybe Easter as well
But the rest of year I don't go
Do you think I'm going to hell

And I go when there's a funeral
Or if there are some wedding bells
But on any given Sunday, ain't no way,
I'd rather spend it in hell.

But who's to say
Who's to say
My soul, my soul, my soul
Ain't your business anyway.

The Bible's got many meanings
I'll figure them out for myself
Don't need no theologian's
High minded words leading me to hell

Don't need no grinning preacher
Preaching about gospel wealth
No prophet drove no Mercedes
The road to riches leads to hell

Some got to confess their sins
To a man hidden behind a veil
God only needs to know what I did
Only he can put me in hell

I may be saved or raptured up
Only time will tell
But Jesus and me are such good friends
I don't think he'll send me to hell



Tell me how
It dies
And won't return
Tell me how
It tries
But still is burned.

Go, be on your way
Go, be gone

The sun is sinking low
The sun is sinking low
The sun is sinking low
The sun is sinking low

Tell me how
It ties
To what I've learned
And dwell on how
It cries
And still yearns

Go, be on your way
Go, be gone
Go, no reason to stay
Go, be gone

The sun is sinking low
The sun is sinking low
The sun is sinking low
The sun is sinking low
The sun
The sun

G Am
C G/B Am

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Crown You Cool

(for Carter Albrecht)

Hey, man, why are you still here
Putting salt in happy hour beer
This city dines on slop and slurps down swill
You should be in New York or in Nashville.

You've been plotting away
And rotting away
In a city that doesn't care
You've been plodding away
And haven't gotten away
How much more can you bare.

Keep sitting on that stool
Smoking and drinking, you fool
Someone's got to take notice
And crown you cool.

Hey, man, who were you supposed to be
Local legends never make history
I can't believe you never got away
You should've been in Paris or at least LA

You'd been tossed a chance
And you scoffed at that chance
In a city that ain't aware
You crossed off that chance
And never got off your ass
How much more can we care

Keep sitting on that stool
Smoking and drinking, you fool
Someone's got to take notice
And crown you cool.

STE-145 (bad 144)

D riff
Bm A Bm A D
A D A D A D A D riff

Friday, December 18, 2009

Here Lie The Beasts

On a summer night, she was light
And she took me by my hand
By the dawn I knew from then on
That I'd become a man
She asked me if I'd stick around
But I just packed and went
I heard the music
But not what it meant.

He wanted to me to cross the sea
And visit him in France
I could always stay at his place
If I got the chance
But I was busy with details
And trying to pay the rent
I heard the music

But not what it meant.

She called late, I was elated
But my bride was in bed
She wanted to meet, but I wouldn't cheat
So I hung up the phone instead.
My bride never once woke me up
But she filled me with torment
I heard the music
But not what it meant.

An intuition about a reunion
For a band of odd friends
At the last minute I wasn't in it
And didn't attend
Twenty years was just yesterday
Past sins you can't circumvent
I heard the music

But not what it meant.

She whispered words I barely heard
But it didn't matter
Personal cliche got in my way
All else was chatter
When I asked her to stick around
She just packed and went
I heard the music
But not what it meant.

STE-161/2 (old melody nix takes)
STE-163 (good one)
capo 3: A D E

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Fate (Fado)

When I paint, I'm blind
But my brush still creates
But my brush still creates
But when I stop
I see, oh, I see
My fate

When I play my guitar
I strum and I escape
I strum and I escape
But when I stop
I'm caught, oh, I'm caught
By fate

When I dance, I float
My feet feel no weight
My feet feel no weight
But when I stop
I feel, oh, I feel
My fate

When I love, I love
Oh, how can I relate
Oh, how can I relate
But when I stop
I curse, oh, I curse
My fate

capo 7: Am E7

Wednesday, December 16, 2009


always waitin'
You think you know
But still it's no go
Still waitin'

keep on waitin'
The line gets longer
Your boredom gets stronger
While waitin'

Your number will be called
No need to rush at all
I'd let you cut in front of me
Doesn't matter cause I'd still be

don't stop waiting
That light ain't gonna change
My patience caught the mange
While waitin'

I'd let you cut in front of me
Doesn't matter cause I'd still be

hangin' round waitin'
No one will cut me loose
While I dangle in this noose
I'm waitin'


Tuesday, December 15, 2009

The Nihilist's Funeral

He don't want no flowers
He don't want no words
He don't want no preacher
Cause it's all absurd

He don't want no graveyard
He don't want no church
He don't want no headstone
Cause it's all absurd

Even the absurd means nothing
And nothing itself means nothing
There's nothing about nothing
And nothing ain't worth nothing

He don't want no wake
He don't want no obit blurb
He don't want no songs
Cause it's all absurd

He don't want to be mourned
He don't want to be interred
He don't want to be missed
Cause it's all absurd

Even the absurd means nothing ...

Don't quote no Nietschze
Or Soren Kierkegaard
Keep Camus to yourself
Cause it's all absurd

He don't want to live
He don't want to convert
He don't want to die
Cause it's all absurd

Even the absurd means nothing ...

Verse: C F C Eb (150 uses Eb7, but use C-shape Eb with open G)
Chorus: Em Am Em Am Em Am Dm7 G7 C

N.B., Wondering about Jack Myer's services after a discussion with Thea, his widow.

The Root

You were given silver
And you were given gold
Inside a silken purse
You can gather more silver
You can gather more gold
It's a blessing or a curse

You can spend it on life
And you can spend it on death
Spend it till it's all spent
The way you use it
Will come down to this
It comes down to your intent

So gather no silver
And gather no gold
Treat them as you'd treat rust
Keep your purse open
But shake out the ash
Be as light as dust

When the angel of death
Spreads his great wings
He'll lift you up
If your purse is heavy
With gold or silver
He'll let you drop.

STE-160 (before some revisions)
STE-164 (take)
Gm Cm D7

Monday, December 14, 2009


The pier is creaking
And the lake is still
I walk to the edge
And test my will

The sun browns my arm
The sky is clear
I look so closely
Something is near

Camouflage, camouflage

Something stirs
I lean in close
The wood is old
And grey as a ghost

Something moves
And catches my eyes
Due to that shift
I realize

Camofulage, camouflage

Nature hides
And doesn't reveal
The subtle truth
So just be still

Take your time
Stay in one place
Open yourself
And be face to face

STE-159 (except for the last verse)
verse Am
chorus Am C G D

Quotidian Blues

Good morning blues
Feel like my eyes are still shut
Don't really need them
As I wander blindly through this rut

I stumble through the day
Bumping into everything
Nothing gets out of my way
And I feel every sharp pang

And the people greet me
They say, how do you do?
I answer with a mask
Cause they don't want to see the truth

In the afternoon I drink some coffee
Hope it'll keep me awake
But I'm still groggy
And I'm starting to get the shakes

Everybody wants to know
What are my weekend plans
I'd tell them I need to be alone
But they wouldn't understand

When the nighttime falls
The change in light don't seem much
I flip through one hundred channels
Each one makes me feel out of touch

I get ready for bed
Wash my face and brush my teeth
Some habits are healthy
But it don't mean they give relief

STE-157 (rec 12.23.09)

Sunday, December 13, 2009

O Bless The Kids

O bless the kids, those little twits,
They know not what they do.
They always have those little fits
No matter what they do.

O bless them when they have to eat
At any restaurant.
When they're there it's such a treat
To be at the restaurant. (CHORUS)

O bless them when they see a show,
For they cannot sit still
They whisper, "Daddy, I have to go,"
And Daddy cannot sit still. (CHORUS)

O bless them when they have to speak,
Their voices are so shrill:
They squeal, they squawk, they scream, they sqeak,
And all of it's so shrill. (CHORUS)

lyrics circa 2003
key of G

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Wrong Place Wrong Time

Step on a bug
Crawling cross a run
Wrong place, wrong time

Suprise a rattlesnake
Such a mistake
Wrong place, wrong time

You can't read tea leaves
Can't see the crystal ball
Don't throw those yarrow sticks
They don't make no sense at all
A gypsy palm reader
Said your fate line
Puts you right here, right now
Wrong place, wrong time

Seven bad years
After one cracked mirror
Wrong place, wrong time

Walked under a ladder
Life couldn't have been sadder
Wrong place, wrong time

The stars don't have a mind
About your astrological sign

Lucky rabbit charm
Was the rabbit charmed
Wrong place, wrong time

Cross your fingers
But danger still lingers
Wrong place, wrong time


Friday, December 11, 2009

Waltz From A Winter's Nap


Most of this was actually written in a dream during a winter's nap.


You want to know all about me
But you don't know your own self
You want an open book
Let's keep it on the shelf.

Let's keep that book closed
A blank page is all we need.
Let's keep that book closed.
A blank page is easier to read.

Good days are clean, white pages
And they rise up on sun rays
But the bad days run with ink
Black pages fill up those days

How many shelves do you have
Do you want them all packed tight
With faded, yellowed pages
Stained with what didn't go right.

When my face gets older
Near the end of my life
There will be some lines
You can read in them what you like

verse: A D A D
chorus: E A E D A

Wednesday, December 9, 2009


Throw a stone to the water
See the waves
It will make
See the waves

Stick your tongue into the water
Maybe your thirst
Will be slaked
Maybe your thirst

Wash me, water

Drop a branch into the water
Watch it drift
Far away
Watch it drift

Dip your hand into the water
Touch your forehead
As if to pray
Touch your forehead

Wash me, water

Let it be so
Whiter than snow

(Ps 51)

capo 9
Am G



Tuesday, December 8, 2009


The vision is clear
It's stuck in time
I see the things we did
Clearly in my mind
But my blurry life
Wanders through a maze
Do I long for the girl
Or for those simple days

She shows herself
Every month or so
Often when my life
Feels out of control
Her voice is low
And her hands are raised
Do I long for the girl
Or for those simple days

I shut my eyes
And tell myself
I can live in ruins
And dream about wealth
Oh, my colorblind eyes
Watch colorful displays
Do I long for the girl
Or for those simple days

Gone, gone, gone


Looking On

Sitting on the summer porch
Memories on the lawn
I see them so clearly
I'm looking on

Sitting in a club downtown
Where I played my first song
I still sing that one
I'm looking on

All that I see
Is memory
Where the past goes
Can't be controlled

Getting light from you to me
What once was is now gone
I only see what's passed
I'm looking on

All that I hear
Is what's near
What the past knows
Can't be controlled.

Sitting on the autumn porch
Memories on the lawn
The setting sun casts shadows
I'm looking on


Monday, December 7, 2009

After The Last I Love You

How do you know it's over
How do you know it's the end
After you've stopped loving
Just before you're no longer friends

One day you'll look back
And know that there was nothing more
After the last I love you
But not a moment
Not a moment before

How do you know when to leave
How do you know when to quit
After your love is threadbare
And your apathy is a better fit

In time you'll see it all
When you're no longer bruised and sore
After the last I love I you
But not a moment
Not a moment before

How do you know when it's time
When it's been long enough
After you've been alone
And just before you've given up

You'll know
You'll know
You'll know
You'll know then

coda C#m E C#m E C#m D A E

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Blind Spot

Sun hanging in the sky
Fills and burns my eyes

Sky has more than one
You became my sun

Where is that moon
so full and crisp
Cover my sun
in a total eclipse

Glare won't let me see
Things you've done to me



Saturday, December 5, 2009

Simple Days

I had another dream
About a girl I used to know
The last time I saw her
Was twenty years ago

Parts were clear
Though parts were in a haze
Do I long for the girl
Or for those simple days

Mmm, mmmm

Make no mistake
The girl was fine
I see the things we did
Clearly in my mind

But this was way back
Before life was a maze
I want to go back
To those simple days

Mmm, mmmm

I see that girl
Every month or so
Often when my life
Feels out of control

When it's tough to sleep
And my life is crazed
I hope I fall back
To those simple days

Simple days, simple days, hmmm


Thursday, December 3, 2009


How far can you go
On that empty road?
How far can you walk
With that ivy load?
You're seeking something
I can't bestow
If you're asking me,
Then you'll never know.

How deep can you see
Into that starless sky?
How deep can you look
Into that artless eye?
There's nothing worth trading
No quid pro quo
If you're asking me,
Then you'll never know.

How long can you search
For that perfect gift
How long can you hope
For that permanent lift
The time is never right
It's never apropos
If you're asking me,
Then you'll never know.



Monday, November 30, 2009

November 2009 Demos

My Escape

I open the invite:
It's the party of the year.
Well, I'd like to stay clear.

But I'm feeling pressured,
Like I have to go.
I'm caught inbetween
A yes and a no.

I smile and wait
A while till I can make
My escape.

A part me of says
Of course you should;
Another part says
You know it's no good.

Don't want to wear that face
Or go somewhere loud.
I don't mind people,
But I can't stand a crowd.

Gotta find that still point
Where the world spins round;
Gonna sit there a while,
So my soul can rebound.

I'm not antisocial
Or a misanthrope;
Just need some time alone
So I can cope.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

The Crazy (Black Friday Xmas)

Black Friday now
Hit the ground
Running round
Shopping hounds
It ain't that I'm lazy

Gotta get a deal
I don't feel
This is real
It's a steal
I don't get the crazy
I just don't get the crazy

Shopping malls
Bouncing balls
Trading halls
Cell phone calls
It shoudn't phase me

Jingle bells
Funny smells
This ain't swell
A kind of hell
I don't get the crazy.
I just don't get the crazy

Is it over yet
Wanna bet
I won't get
My jet set
I'm feeling hazy

Christmas Day
come what may
I gotta lay
down and pray
I don't get the crazy
I just don't get the crazy

Saturday, November 28, 2009


Some talk to the dead or to the grave stones
Some talk just to keep from feeling alone
Some say it out loud, some whisper in their minds,
Just say what you will and leave nothing behind
And know that I'm still here
Don't be afraid there's nothing to fear

When I die don't leave roses on my grave
They wouldn't grow there anyway
But take your guitar and pick a tune
And know that your time may be coming soon

I've seen people look happy, but most look sad
And sometimes someone looks really mad
The sun will shine, though it may at first rain
Happiness is happier after a little pain
And know that I'm still here
Don't be afraid, there's nothing to fear

When I die don't leave roses on my grave
They wouldn't grow there anyway
But take your guitar and pick a tune
And know that your time may be coming soon

Oh, the day is short
Oh, the night is long
Oh, may you fall asleep
At the end of a song.

Friday, November 27, 2009

Be Still

Be still
Be still
Hold the silence in your hand

Be still
Be still
There's nothing to understand

Be still
Be still
Like the morning snow

Be still
Be still
There's nowhere to go

Be still
Be still

Break It Down

empty boxes
scattered round
empty head
no thoughts found
empty heart
no rebound
empty chords
lonely sound

who knows how long you'll feel this way
who knows how long those feelings stay

break it down break it down

open hand
missing ring
open door
gently swings
open wounds
scream or sing
open up
the next thing

who knows ...

you don't have to have been bitten
to know that it hurts
but you have to have been bitten
to know how much it hurts


Wednesday, November 25, 2009


I'm alone
Not lonely

I don't need to shuffle round
To keep myself from feeling down
I can stay inside my little room
Weave thoughts inside my silent loom
All day

I'm alone
Not lonely

I don't need to make some noise
While running round with all my boys
I can stay inside my quiet place
Never need to see another face
All night

I'm alone
Not lonely

I'm no misanthrope
There is always hope
I hope you understand
I love my fellow man
I could never get enough
Of love.
No never get enough
There'd never be enough
Of love.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

What Would You Do?

If I gave my heart to you
What would you do?
What would you do?

If I gave my love to you
What would you do?
What would you do?

Would you put it in a box and hide it away?
Or put it on your shelf to display?

If I gave my mind to you,
What would you do?
What would you do?

If I gave my thoughts to you,
What would you do?
What would you do?

Would they be a chapter in your book?
Or stashed in your diary where none could look?

If I gave it all to you,
What would you do?
What would you do?

I'll do nothing till
You've done what you will
Time stays still

If I gave my voice to you,
What would you do?
What would you do?

If I gave my song to you,
What would you do?
What would you do?

Would you sing it to all you knew?
Or would it be unsung by all but you?

If I gave it all to you,
What would you do?
What would you do?

Saturday, November 21, 2009

That World Is Gone

The street where we met
Has a different name
The park where we kissed
Is no longer the same

And we have moved on
That world is gone

The room where we slept
Is no longer a mess
The house where we shared
Has a different address

And we have moved on
That world is gone

The neighborhood we loved
Is now a tourist trap
The town where we said yes
Is completely off the map.

And that country
Is no longer there
And that world
Is no longer there
And I don't know
where in the world
And I don't know
where in the world
I will go
When that world
That I once knew
That world that
I once knew
That world is gone.


Thursday, November 19, 2009

The Multitudes

I am clay
I am dust
I am steel
I am rust
I can love
And I can lust

I am meek
I am proud
I am quiet
I am loud
I can be alone
Or be in a crowd

I am strong
I am weak
I am normal
I am a freak
I am lost
But still I seek

I am big
I am small
I'm a drag
And I'm a ball
I'm everyone
And no one at all
I'm everyone
And no one at all

Monday, November 16, 2009


An empty home doesn't mean you're alone
And stray sounds keep you still as a stone
The rooms are filled with your past
The sun is low and long shadows are cast
Cause you're never ever really alone

An empty yard doesn't mean you're alone
There's a world hidden & unknown
The clouds shapeshift to correspond
Long shadows cross you, will you respond?
Cause you're never ever really alone


Saturday, November 14, 2009

Sadie And Maud

lyrics by gwendolynn brooks

Sunday, November 8, 2009

So Much Depends

Although tomorrow's a mystery
I can say today with certainty
So much depends on you loving me
So much depends on you
On you

A seed never knows where it will fall
But it's better to have fallen than never at all
So much depends on you loving me
So much depends on you
On you, on you

So much depends on you
So much depends on you

Although I do my best and try to see
Sometimes I can't see what's in front of me
So much depends on you loving me
So much depends on you
On you, on you

There's a sign everywhere, everywhere there's a clue
For even the sparrows know just what to do
So much depends on you
So much depends on you

STE-123 (C) / STE-124 (A)

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

I Will Break Their Guitar

"I will break their guitar"
-- Joan Miró to Andre Masson concerning
the preeminence of Cubist painting
in postwar Paris

A fractured chord tapered off
Amid the dry and brittle palms
A curse came from afar
I will break your guitar.

Hands stuffed inside pockets
With lint and loose change
Passing by an empty jar
I will break your guitar

[Interlude Em Am F G C]

Their palms were crossed with silver
Their hearts were crossed with water
In the space of a Pater Noster
I will break your guitar.

A cadence is corrupted
Among the brooding angels
A curse came from afar
I will break your guitar.

Verse: Am G C / Am G C / Am G C / Em F G Am / Em F G C

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Welcome To Chris Baker Songs

I've just started a song blog to keep track of songs I'm writing.

I've put up jukebox widgets from Soundclick for November through February. This makes it so much easier to listen to tunes. I've got lyrics up for February, but I'm still working on getting the other months' lyrics up.

Some of these recordings are very first-draft at three am, and some are a bit more produced. If you hear something you like, let me know! If you hear something and would like a better recording of it done, I'll see what I can do. Most of these tunes are available from Soundclick for free.

I'm available for house concerts! No dietary restrictions (except for Fish Fridays) and I'll drink red, white, etc. :)